+91-9582102222 , +91-9811958408 9C, Techzone4, Greater Noida West UP, India.

Feature Matrix – CSS LMS

Classroom Training


Print attendees photos

Print roster with photos of the attendees, so you know the student´s faces and names before entering the classroom

Scheduling Classes/Sessions

You get to schedule your online classes in LMS


You, as an LMS admin, can manage the complete registrations and cancellations within the LMS

Wait list

Wait listed students can be auto promoted or manually promoted; includes email notification


In the report and tracking area, the Administrator can track attendance status.

-sheet printing

The system allows for class rosters, and appraisals from the instructor standpoint related to the performance of a student in a classroom course.

Resource scheduling

You get this as an inbuilt feature in the LMS

Course Material Access

You can upload the following types of training materials:  Video, HTML files, slide converter, tests, surveys.

Communication Tools


Notifications via emails

LMS allows you to send the email notification to the users regarding course update, upcoming event, webinar, etc.

Notifications inside platform

You get to set triggers according to the requirement


You get to option to enrol into the monthly newsletters


Calendar allows the admin to set the notification for upcoming events, webinars, courses, quies etc. It will be reflecting on the user profile

Upcoming events

You can get your users to take note of the upcoming events

Course Content


Book - Multi-page resources with a book-like format. Teachers can export their Books as IMS CP (admin must allow teacher role to export IMS)

Paradiso LMS allows the admin to add e-book as a part of courses

File - A picture, a pdf document, a spreadsheet, a sound file, a video file

Admin gets to add files to easily uploaded to the LMS as part of the course

Folder - For helping organize files and one folder may contain other folders

You can have folder option in the course to add the additional material in an organised manner

IMS content package - Add static material from other sources in the standard IMS  content package format

All the content you have in the IMS content package format can be uploaded to the LMS


Can be a few displayed words or an image used to separate resources and activities in a topic section, or can be a lengthy description or instructions

Page - The student sees a single, scrollable screen that a teacher creates with the robust HTML editor

Your users can see a single, scrollable screen HTML page as a part of the course.


You can send the student to any place they can reach on their web browser, for example Wikipedia

SCORM 1.2, 2004

LMS is SCORM 1.2 and 2004 compliant


LMS is AICC compliant


LMS is LTI compliant


You can embed YouTube videos and add interactions to the video


You can embed Vimeo videos and add interactions to the video

Upload Videos

You can upload MP4 format videos easily to the LMS

Embed any video or html code

You can either upload a video in MP4 format or Embed using a link

Flash files

You can upload and embed flash files


Course Interactions



Both general discussion forum(social wall) and course based forum are available in the LMS


Chat feature is available in the LMS. Via this feature, the users can interact with each other.


There are feedback and survey tools available in LMS


Alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge with the definitions for those terms


A wiki page is a web page any user in the LMS can create together, right in the browser, without needing to know HTML


Workshop is a peer assessment activity with many options. Your students can submit their work via an on line text tool or attachments.

Social Wall

Social wall allows post submission interface, timeline of posts, filtering of the timeline and integration with LMS's activities and resources.


Create check list for onboarding or pre-requisites or anything you want

Custom forms

These give you the ability to create custom forms with custom fields

Knowledge base

This gives you the ability to create knowledge base with moderation required from admins

Course Creation Process


Easy to Use course creation Wizard

You get a 3 step course creation wizard with lot of atteractive features


You can upload Youtube videos in the LMS in the MP4 format or embed link

Different types of course formats (Tabs, Grid, Social, Topics etc)

LMS supports different types of course format which also includes (Tab, Grid, Social Topics, Discussion Forums etc.)

Support for Classroom, virtual, elearning and social learning

In LMS, you get exhaustive support for classroom, virtual, elearning and social learning.

Location base training

You get to set location based training sessions in the LMS

Bulk Enrolments

You can create Cohorts(Bulk Users) and enroll them to a course or many courses

Blended and Online Learning

You can use a mix of Instructor Led training or live virtual classroom along with online learning

Guest Access

You, as the LMS admin, can allow guest access to the users in the login settings

Competency based course allocation

LMS gives you the option to allocate courses based on competency

Web Services Support

You can build custom applications by calling LMS support services

API Documentation

LMS provides exhaustive REST API documentation and support


Course Authoring


HTML Pages

Using our editor, you, the LMS admin, can create HTML pages with just a few clicks

Course Presentations

You can create interactive presentations in html5 format (mobile compatible)

Embed iframe

You can put content from external secure sites directly into your course using iframe


Dashboard can be accessed by both managers and users, however the view would be different for a manager and a user

Performance Management


Learning Plan

Learning path can be easily set by you, the LMS admin. It allows you to set credit points to the course, also the certificate can be allocated at the end of the course

Student Portal


Student Dashboard

You, the LMS Admin, can set the student dashboard by adding blocks according to your requirement

Custom Welcome message

You, the LMS admin, can set a welcome video or message to show when users login for the very first time

Rotating banner

You, the LMS admin, can set rotating banners showing latest courses or important messages to students

Customizable landing page

You, the LMS admin, can configure where the student´s landing page- my courses or course catalogue or social wall or whatever page within the site

Private files

Your students/users can upload files which only they will have access to





In case you have suggestions / feedback, you can call in to discuss it with the assigned account manager


In case you have suggestions / feedback, you can email them to your assigned account manager


In case you have suggestions / feedback, there is a provision to raise tickets


You can chat directly and voice your feedback/suggestions/grievances


You can refer to the documentation available and resolve your queries.

System Administration


Custom Roles and Permissions

If you are the super admin, you can set roles and grant permissions to manage the system, each role has certain permissions


There are prebuilt certificates available in the LMS, and can be customized according to your requirement

Automatic Enrolments

You, the LMS admin, can enable the auto enrolment option while creating courses

Wait list management

You, as the LMS admin get to create a waitlist in case the maximum amount of course participants is reached. They later get enrolled automatically as soon as free seats are available


User Interface


Company branding

The LMS is completely customizable. You can change the logo, colour theme, background, login page image etc

Login page background

You, as the LMS admin, can put rotating images or static image and enable or disable social login from admin panel

Custom Theme

The LMS theme can be changed and managed as per your requirement, also it is possible to create a custom theme under theme settings in LMS

Prebuild templates

There are prebuilt templates in LMS that you can utilize to set modules on the home page

Remove Paradiso link from footer or login page

It is possible to remove the Paradiso links from the footer or login page, also we provide complete white-labelled LMS

Gmail Calendar Sync

Gmail calendar can be synchronized with the LMS, the events automatically gets uploaded onto the calendar

Outlook Calendar Sync

Outlook can be synchronized with the LMS, the events automatically gets uploaded onto the calendar

Multi-language support

LMS supports multiple languages

Home page

You, as the LMS admin, has ability to configure customized home page for students or admins , for ex. admin can set the home of students to my courses or course catalog or a particular course or social wall


User Management


Bulk Upload

LMS allows you, the LMS admin, to upload bulk users in Excel format

Customized Profile

LMS allows the admin to create custom profiles for users.

Social Login

It gives you, the LMS admin and the users the ability to login into LMS using Google+, Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Office 365 and many other social platforms

Self Registration with or without approval

You, as the LMS adming can set the self registration as an option. Once user self registers, they receive their login credentials

Custom roles

You can set custom roles in the system

Secure Messaging/Inbox

In the user profile, LMS allows to admin/manager to send a secure message to the user

My team view

You can see admin/manager in my team view in the dashboard

Enrollment approvals

Within dashboard, you, as the LMS admin/manager, can see the enroll approval list



Question bank

LMS allows you, the LMS admin, to create, preview and edit questions in a database of question categories.


LMS gives the option of browser lock down and other tools to prevent cheating


LMS generated detailed reports on different aspects of quiz completion including individual questions


LMS gives you the ability to provide feedback after each question or at the end of the quiz